The Charles Bruce Foundation, a non-profit located in central Pennsylvania, supports writers, artists, and musicians (WAM!).

A new book about food insecurity loaded with recipes from marginalized peoples around the world is in the works! Sign up for our newsletter to be notified when copies become available by filling out the form below the picture. 

American Roulette, a novel about the tragedy of gun violence, is still available from Sunbury Press. Click on the cover image to the right and go to the official website where you can order your own copy!

New Offering!

Youth Writing

Holiday Treat

A new children’s picture book written by Phyllis Orenyo and illustrated by our own Chad Bruce. With an educational take on geography, the book features an exciting journey.

Charles Bruce Foundation Releases

Priscilla makes an unexpected return in a picture book again written by Pat LaMarche and illustrated by Bonnie Tweedy Shaw. This book is recommended for 5 thru 7-year-olds and a loving adult reader because although homelessness affects newborns up, the topic is just too big for small children to read about alone.

Book one in the acclaimed, multi-volume set of young adult books introducing Priscilla, a heroine who while experiencing homelessness provides aid, comfort, and understanding to this difficult issue.
Book two finds Priscilla teaching her realm of children to become better human beings, thereby prompting them to guide the adults in their lives to become better themselves.
Book three finds Priscilla and her friends dealing with the year of the pandemic, demonstrating how folks who are not fortunate enough to have a home are impacted.
Book four finds Priscilla and her friends with the opportunity to speak truth to power in a way that will benefit persons experiencing homelessness.
Invisible is a thrilling 28-page full-color comic book with good guys, bad guys, and helpless kids in need. It’s a page-turner you won’t want to miss.
This invisible variant cover shares the same thrilling 28-page full-color comic book with good guys, bad guys, and helpless kids in need, but features the artwork of Aron Rook on the cover. ONLY SIX COPIES REMAIN, SO GET YOURS TODAY!

A story by our youngest author, Ronan Russell. Pat LaMarche provided writing assistance, and Aron Rook illustrated this beautiful book.

A new children’s picture book written by Phyllis Orenyo and illustrated by our own Chad Bruce. With an educational take on geography, the book features an exciting journey.

In this children’s picture book, Mariane Romagnoli shares the heartwarming story of the Romano children as they work together on the task of making pizza. These adorable children learn the secret behind their family pizza perfection.
In this sequel to Mariane Romagnoli’s The Secret Ingredient, the now older Romanos celebrate national pepperoni pizza day by engaging in a pizza-making contest.
Phyllis J. Orenyo’s early-reader book explores all of the unlikely uses a girl can make of her pet cat.
Treat your family to this epic Nutcracker origin story about the unique uncle who bears gifts in Matthew C. Donnell’s adorable tale as illustrated by Fran Piper.
A coffee-table collection of up-close nature photos taken at a time of personal and pandemic-induced grief.
Artist Arlyn Pettingell painstakingly painted every page of this book – the joy of the story is only surpassed by the beauty of each page.
Charles Bruce Foundation History
The Charles Bruce Foundation was founded in 2012 by Chad Bruce. CBF is named after the man who adopted Chad in post WWII Austria. Charles was a veteran of WWII, the Korean War, and the Vietnam War. In the early 1940s, he and his three brothers went to a Pittsburgh recruiting office and enlisted. Charles received a WWII field promotion, becoming an officer in the European theater of that war. He later participated in the rebuilding of Europe (that is when and where he and his wife, Mildrid Smith Bruce, adopted little Chad from an Austrian orphanage). Lt. Colonel Bruce retired in 1961. Charles’ adopted son has worked his entire adult life to repay the gifts Charles and Mildred gave him when they adopted him.

Charles Bruce


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PO Box 914 Carlisle, PA 17013